TCE credit points
Course code
Course span
2016 — 2023
Reading and writing standard
Mathematics standard
Computers and internet standard
This course was delivered in 2023. Use A-Z Courses to find the current version (if available).

Knowledge and understanding of science, scientific literacy and scientific methods are necessary for learners to develop the skills to resolve questions about their natural and constructed world

The purpose of science education is to develop scientific literacy, helping learners: to be interested in, and understand, the world around them; to engage in discourse about the scientific and technological aspects underlying global and local issues; to understand the testable and contestable nature of science, and question the claims made by others about scientific matters; to be able to identify questions, draw evidence-based conclusions and discuss their validity; and to form opinions, that are reasoned and informed, about the environment, about their own health and well-being, and about the role and impact of science on society. Biology is the study of the fascinating diversity of life as it has evolved and as it interacts and functions. Investigation of biological systems and their interactions, from the molecular level to cellular processes to ecosystem dynamics, has led to biological knowledge and understanding that enable us to explore and explain everyday observations, find solutions to biological issues, and understand the processes of biological continuity and change over time.