Details of providers registered to deliver education and training to overseas students in Tasmania and the accredited courses they offer are available on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS).


Registration of providers and courses involves two stages.

Stage one: For Tasmanian schools – including ELICOS, foundation and non-award programmes offered in Tasmanian schools – stage one of CRICOS registration process is undertaken by TASC as the DSA under the ESOS Act.

Stage two: The second stage of CRICOS registration is the responsibility of the Australian Government delegate. The Department of Education and Training is the Australian Government delegate in respect to schools.

A provider is not registered until both stages of this process have been completed. Once registered, TASC officers will add the provider to the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS). Details of each course offered, its duration and cost are shown on the provider’s CRICOS entry.

Before you begin the application process, you should contact TASC and arrange to speak to an officer.

Phone: 03 6165 6000


The Provider registration process has more information about submitting an application for registration to TASC. Further information is available at the ESOS legislative framework website.

Information for other providers

TASC does not manage CRICOS registration for vocational education and training (VET) and higher education/university providers. If you are a VET, higher education or university provider, you should contact the following agencies to discuss CRICOS registration:

ASQA for vocational education and training courses and providers

TEQSA for higher education courses and university providers.

The Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (ESOS Act) sets out the registration process, obligations of providers who wish to deliver education and training for international students. It also sets out enforcement and compliance arrangements for those providers.

Under the ESOS Act, providers of education and training at any level must go through a formal registration process and be listed on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS). Providers that are not registered must not provide education and training services to international students in Australia.

TASC is the Designated State Authority (DSA) Under the ESOS Act for K-12 education, and for English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS), foundation and non-award programs delivered by Tasmanian schools.

The Australian Skills Quality Agency (ASQA) is responsible for registering and monitoring all vocational education and training (VET) providers and courses.

The Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) is responsible for registering and monitoring university providers and courses.