The two years of senior secondary education are exciting for young people. In Years 11 and 12, students choose and study senior secondary courses and work towards qualifications and certificates that contribute to their future education, work and life plans.

It’s a time of academic and personal growth. Together with schools, parents and guardians have a key role in supporting their child to learn and develop high-level skills, capabilities and knowledge as a young adult.

This parent information page connects parents and guardians to information about senior secondary education to help them provide support and assist their child. It includes information about courses, assessments, results and contacting schools and TASC for further information.

See TASC’s Years 11 and 12 webpage for information about the courses senior secondary students can choose in their program of study:

There are resources available to help students with career and course information, including:

  • Careerify – a career information website to help Years 9-12 learners with career decision making. Explore career options and the steps to take to get students where they want to go.
  • My Future – a national online career planning platform to identify interests and work values, and explore education, training and career pathways.
  • Anything Can Happen – explore Tasmanian education options and pathways.
  • Years 11 and 12 Student Course Guide to choose a planned program of learning for Years 11 and 12. Students studying in non-government schools can contact their school to find out the courses offered at their school.
  • TCE Course Planner to check if students are on track for the TCE standards and credit points needed for their future pathway.

You can also talk to your child’s school about the education and career pathways available and what will best suit your child.

As part of completing their Student Declaration form, students undertaking TASC courses commit to:

To find out how students are assessed in TASC courses, see the:

For information to help students undertaking TASC courses with external assessment (Level 3 and 4 courses), including preparing for exams, and the adjustments and supports available in particular circumstances, see the resources provided for students:

For information about the results documents issued to students at the end of each year of senior secondary study, see:

TASC can issue students with up to three certificates (at the end of at least two years of senior secondary study):

Students need to achieve the TCE to be awarded an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) for University entrance. You can watch the video What is an ATAR? See the one-page Understanding the ATAR: Factsheet for an overview of the ATAR and answers to frequently asked questions.

Your child’s school or education provider can help you with any questions about their learning and achievement. Talking to your child’s school is the best place to start as they know your child and their learning progress.

TASC can help with information about the types of external assessments (written exams, folios, presentations and displays), a student’s final end-of-year results and the certificates they have achieved.

Before TASC can discuss a student’s personal information, the student needs to consent to their information being shared. A student’s consent is needed regardless of their age.

  • Phone queries: If you contact TASC by phone, we will ask to speak with the student to have their consent to provide you with their information.
  • Written queries: Students need to initiate any written queries about their senior secondary studies as the applicant seeking the information and should include their TASC ID (if known). When completing the Results Queries form, students can advise if they want anyone else to receive the requested information and their contact details when outlining the query.

See the information answering common Student queries and Student FAQs about results.

Many schools also have groups specifically for parents and carers, such as a parents and friends group (sometimes called the P&F). This is a great way to meet other parents and find out how you can contribute to your school community.