Transitional Arrangements: Use of Computers and the Internet Recognition

Under the transitional arrangements, Year 12 students have an additional way to achieve the Everyday Adult Standard – Use of Computers and the Internet.

There are three ways to achieve this standard:

  1. Achieving the overall award Satisfactory Achievement (SA), or higher in one of the 16 TASC courses that have the Use of Computers and the Internet Standard included in the course.
  2. Having passed the Use of Computers and the Internet Standard safety net test.
  3. Receiving recognition of use of computers and the internet as part of achieving all three of the other TCE standards:
    • Participation and Achievement Standard – 120 credit points (with at least 80 credit points in studies at Level 2 or higher)
    • Everyday Adult Standard: Reading, Writing and Communication (in English)
    • Everyday Adult Standard: Mathematics.  

How will the recognition happen?

The recognition process started in 2021 and applies until the current Use of Computers and the Internet Standard is replaced with a Digital Literacy Standard, in line with the national Digital Literacy Skills Framework.

Your school is asked to report to TASC that you have had the opportunity to learn the required skills and knowledge, and that they endorse you have met the standard through your two years of senior secondary learning.

Then, if you meet all the other Tasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE) standards, you will also achieve the Everyday Adult Standard – Use of Computers and the Internet.

Key points to note:

  • The standard of skills and knowledge in computers and the internet has not changed.
  • Use of Computers and the Internet (ICT) safety net tests won’t be needed for current school students who are progressing towards attaining the three standards outlined above. Tasmanians who have left school and are working towards attaining the TCE will continue to need to sit a safety net test to show they meet the Computers and Internet standard.
  • The transitional arrangements will only apply until an updated Digital Literacy Standard is introduced as part of the TCE. Digital literacy will continue to be fundamental element of the TCE as essential everyday adult skills for today’s world.


  • Your school can advise you if you are on track to attain the TCE.
  • If you have a TASC enquiry, phone (03) 6165 6000, or email your enquiry at

Information Sheet: Achieving the TCE Use of Computers and the Internet Standard