Photo of two students on a kayak
Image courtesy of Guildford Young College – 2021

Senior secondary study options

Completing a program of study in Years 11 and 12 provides you with the opportunity to achieve the Tasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE), or an equivalent qualification which will help your future employment, training and study opportunities.

You can choose a combination of the following to make up your program of study:

To achieve the TCE, you must meet the TCE standards. Use the TCE course planner to understand the credit points you can receive and speak with your school to plan a program of study that will allow you to achieve a TCE. You need to achieve the TCE to be eligible for an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR), with an ATAR being one of the ways to obtain University entrance.

  • Careerify – a career information website to help Tasmanian Years 9-12 learners with career decision making. Explore career options and the steps to take to get to where you want to go.
  • My Future – a national online career planning platform to identify interests and work values, and explore education, training and career pathways.
  • Anything Can Happen – explore Tasmanian education options. Whatever you want to do in life, there’s a pathway to take you there.
  • Years 11 and 12 Student Course Guide to help you choose a planned program of learning for Years 11 and 12. (Students studying in non-government schools can contact their school for information on the courses being offered.)
  • Use the TASC TCE Course Planner to check if you are on track for the TCE standards and credit points needed for your future pathway (including achieving the Tasmanian Certificate of Education which is needed to receive an ATAR).

To explore tertiary study options, visit:

  • to search and compare university courses across Australia and see admissions information in one place.
  • to find VET study, training and job options for careers in industries and occupations.

Find information answering common student queries about senior secondary education.